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A member registered Jan 24, 2018

Recent community posts

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I haven't had much time to play the game yet but right away the only problem I see with the game is no way to save.

I'm about to sit down and play a bit more of the game now that I'm back home. 

I look forward to seeing where this game goes. not sure if you seen my reply to another post but a map editor would be cool.

I think it would be a pretty cool addition between random gen maps and custom maps I see good things in the future for this game. 

good luck and I hope to see how this goes.

I've just noticed most of these messages are over 2 years ago so this game has been in development way longer than I realized.

am I missing something because I can't seem to save my game?

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I love the Idea of a map editor. even mod support or custom game modes. but I'm the kind of person who likes using things like civilization 3s editor where you can create custom buildings custom factions custom civ custom units custom resources custom technologies custom great wonders and all kinds of other things but honestly just a map editor would still be cool. I don't like downloading 3rd party mod tools but I love it when games like that add their own right in with the game. civilization 3 did it Skyrim did it with their construction kit. Kenshi did it with their editor that when you launch the game from steam it pops up if you want to launch the game or the editor. I love these kinds of things. not soo big on third party modware though I like game supported ones that are usually included with the game itself and they always make creating custom things soo much easier than importing and exporting every little thing you want to make changes too.